Fireman Dan's Page

πŸ‘‹πŸŽ­ Book Your Zoom Puppet Talk Session Today!

ConvoActive Zoom Puppet Talk Service is where stories come to life & creativity knows no bounds and your child can enjoy the magic of puppetry right from the comfort of home!

Fireman Dan specializes in teaching children about fire safety through engaging lessons and quizzes. He emphasizes the importance of being "firewise" while maintaining a fun and empowering atmosphere, ensuring children feel comfortable and informed about fire safety.

Why Choose Us?

  • Flexible: Easy scheduling for busy families.

  • Personalized Sessions: Tailored content to suit different age groups and interests.

  • Convenient and Flexible: Enjoy our service from the safety and comfort of your own home or anywhere!

  • Live Puppet Performances: Real, interactive fun with puppets that captivate, inspire, and combine learning with entertainment to keep kids engaged.

  • Professional Performer: Kevin is a skilled performer, (puppeteer & voice acter), with years of experience in entertaining and educating children.

Session Fee: $20 for 15 minutes and $35 for 30 minutes. Note: All sessions are video recorded, and you will be sent a recording of the session, (included in the session fee).

How to Book:

  • Fireman Dan's Specialty - fire safety, safety - Fireman Dan teaches and then quizzes children on fire safety. He's great at getting children to understand how serious being "firewise" is while also maintaining a positive and empowering tone to ensure the child always feels comfortable. 🌟πŸ”₯ 😊 Fireman Dan teaches children about:

    1. Stop, Drop, and Roll:

      • Teach children that if their clothes catch fire, they should:

        • Stop: Stand still.

        • Drop: Drop to the ground.

        • Roll: Roll back and forth to smother the flames.

    2. Know the Sound of Smoke Alarms:

      • Explain what smoke alarms sound like (a loud, beeping noise).

      • Teach them that when they hear the alarm, they should leave the house immediately.

    3. Never Hide During a Fire:

      • Emphasize that they should never hide under beds or in closets during a fire.

      • Teach them to get out of the house and meet at a designated safe spot.

    4. Stay Low in Smoke:

      • Explain that smoke rises, and it’s dangerous to breathe.

      • Teach them to crawl low to avoid smoke inhalation.

    5. Don’t Play with Matches or Lighters:

      • Stress that matches and lighters are not toys.

      • Keep them out of reach and explain the dangers of playing with fire.

    6. Call 9-1-1 (or Your Local Emergency Number):

      • Teach children how to dial emergency services.

      • Role-play calling 9-1-1 so they know what to say.

    7. Stay Away from Heaters and Stoves:

      • Explain that heaters, stovetops, and ovens can cause burns.

      • Keep children away from flames and heat sources.

    Fireman Dan does not discuss the following 3 tips but encourages parents to in order to complete "Firewise" best practices.

    • Escape Routes:

      Show children the two ways to escape from every room in the house.

      Practice these escape routes during fire drills.

    • Close Bedroom Doors at Night:

      • Closed doors can slow down the spread of fire and smoke.

      • Teach them to close their bedroom doors before going to bed.

    • Practice Fire Drills Regularly:

      • Make fire drills fun and educational.

      • Time how quickly they can get out of the house during practice drills.

    Remember, repetition and practice reinforce these safety habits. πŸ”₯ 😊

    Fireman Dan also discusses the following non-fire safety topics.

  1. Choking & Strangulation Prevention:

    • Avoiding small objects that can be swallowed and understanding the dangers of plastic bags and cords.

  2. Water Safety:

    • Swimming rules, wearing life jackets, and staying close to an adult near water.

  3. Poison Prevention:

    • Not touching or ingesting harmful substances.

  4. Playground Safety:

    • Proper use of equipment, avoiding rough play, and being aware of surroundings.

  5. Animal Safety:

    • Understanding appropriate behavior around animals, and potential hazards.

  6. General Home Safety:

    • Avoiding falls, staying off of furniture, and knowing emergency exits.

ConvoActive Real-Fun Puppet Talk for KIDs!

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Fireman Dan - Fire Safety, Safety

Fireman Dan Is an Interactive, 2-way, "Live Talk" Puppet That Helps Parents by Talking with Their Kids.

This ConvoActive service can booked in 15 and 30-minute sessions. Click the desired "Book A Session" button below.

Please note: The 30-minute session allows up to 6 interactive viewers whereas, the 15-minute session is just for one interactive viewer.