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Healthy Mindset Techniques

Discover the secrets to success in various disciplines by cultivating a healthy mindset today.

Empowering Your Mindset for Success

The most powerful mindset tools are reflect/review, visualization/to manifest, be an actor the superhero you need.

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Most of ConvoActive talk conversation services are about helping people to get into a "growth mindset" so that they can routinely and with minimal effort achieve their ideal potential.

Mindset refers to a set of beliefs, attitudes, and mental frameworks that shape how you perceive and interpret the world around you. It influences your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in various situations. Essentially, your mindset acts as a cognitive filter, coloring your experiences and determining your responses.

Here are some key points about mindsets:

Fixed Mindset:

In a fixed mindset, individuals believe that their abilities, talents, and intelligence are fixed traits. They see themselves as having a predetermined level of competence, and they often avoid challenges or risks.

People with a fixed mindset may think, “I’m either good at something or not,” and they tend to avoid effort because they fear failure.

This mindset can limit personal growth and resilience.

Growth Mindset:

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is characterized by the belief that abilities can be developed through effort, learning, and persistence.

People with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities for growth. They embrace effort, learn from setbacks, and believe that their talents can be cultivated over time.

This mindset fosters resilience, adaptability, and a love for learning.

Origins of Mindset:

Mindsets often form early in life, influenced by childhood experiences, education, and the feedback we receive.

Praise and labeling play a significant role. Personal praise (e.g., “You’re so smart!”) tends to promote a fixed mindset, while process praise (e.g., “You worked hard on this!”) encourages a growth mindset.

Impact of Mindset:

Your mindset affects various aspects of your life, including:

  • Achievement: Whether you believe you can improve and achieve your goals.

  • Resilience: How you bounce back from setbacks.

  • Learning: Your openness to new information and challenges.

  • Relationships: How you approach interactions with others.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset:

To develop a growth mindset:

  • Embrace challenges and view them as opportunities.

  • Learn from failures and setbacks.

  • Put effort into learning and improving.

  • Seek out feedback and constructive criticism.

  • Believe that your abilities can evolve over time.

    Remember, your mindset isn’t fixed—it can evolve! So, whether you’re nurturing a garden or exploring the cosmos, choose a mindset that allows you to bloom and reach for the stars. 🌱✨

ConvoActive talk conversations are meant to help people organize their thoughts and declutter their thinking much like defragging a computer's hard drive.

In conversation coach Kevin helps people to bring relevant thoughts/idea to forefront were they can more easily focus on them. This then causes insignificant "mind clutter" to "fall away". The result is greater clarity of thought. Improved thought clarity leads to a greater sense of well-being as well greater ease of "thought construction". The idea is to help people to help their minds be more efficient and to start better serving their specific needs.

It may sound a bit complex but it really very simple as it's essentially the same as talking with anyone with the exception being that Kevin is actively listening and offering up a thought here and there for consideration...all the while allowing for one's own thoughts to surface.

For most ConvoAction talk services coach Kevin recommends that people do a 5-minute mental prep prior to their conversation to get in calm/relaxed state of mind. Additionally, he suggests that everyone review all of the ConvoAction 'Mindset Matters Guide'. This "guide" is full of "wisdoms" and "actionables" that can be very beneficial to anyone especially anyone wanting to get the most out of most ConvoAction talk services.

Coach Kevin is kind, patient, understanding, witty and he a great sense of humor. He is humble and has an amazing way of putting people at ease and having them feel good about themselves. People enjoy talking with him and find their conversations with him satisfying and productive.

Mindset Matters - Guide

Attach Meaning - Your life is more fulfilled when you make a conscious effort to attach meaning to all your experiences.

Lower Expectations - One of the keys to staying happy is to have very low expectations when it comes to daily experiences. If your expectations are set properly low you'll usually be pleasantly surprised rather than frustrated and disappointed. This does not mean to lower expectations of yourself...not at all. You should always do your best.

Prevent Loneliness - As the saying goes "Loneliness is not from being alone but from being with others who make you feel like a stranger". Avoid being around others who aren't welcoming. Seek the company of those with similar interests but don't be with someone just to be with someone...when it comes to feeling lonely sometimes you are better off alone.

Always Have A Plan - Always have a detailed, daily, weekly short-term plan, and a flexible long-term plan.

Walk & Play Every Day - You don't need to do a lot but you should walk & play every day to keep blues and the doctor away.

Youring - Be aware that wherever you are it is yours while you are there and whatever you use is yours while you are using it. This is a great way of being more present and in most cases having a better experience.

Ride The Wave - When you find yourself in a high-pressure situation you can avoid or limit anxiety by seeing the situation as a wave and seeing yourself riding it. Don't overthink it...just jump in 100% and ride that wave. That wave is meant for you to ride like a customized chariot. With any situation you can either ride the wave or be awash in it...tumbling, disoriented, and out of control or you can ride it come what may. So ride it!

Practice Minimalism & Choose Experience Over Things - We are constantly told that more is better but often less is way more manageable and freeing. Be aware that excess is often a burden.

Lift Up - Nothing lifts a person up more than lifting up others.

Compare & Contrast - It may be that the key to critical thinking is to simply compare and contrast every choice that life presents you. For example, would you prefer no regulations and unsafe food, water, jobs or regulations and safe water, food, and jobs? This helps you see the message rather than the messenger as well as helping you to evaluate all manner of options more clearly.

You might think this is something you're already doing but now that it's been pointed out I think you'll see that it helps you more quickly make decisions.

Be In Touch With Your Inner Child - **Create a Dialogue: Imagine sitting down with your inner child for a heart-to-heart chat. Ask questions: “What did you love? What scared you? What made you laugh until your belly hurt?” Listen carefully to its fears, needs, and pains. Sometimes, comforting your inner child means offering the love and care it might have lacked back then.

Visualize: Close your eyes and journey back to your childhood. Picture your favorite hideout—the treehouse, the blanket fort, or that cozy corner where you read books. Feel the grass under your bare feet, smell the crayons, taste the imaginary cookies. Visualization can bridge the gap between now and then.

Play: Remember when playtime was serious business? Reclaim it! Build sandcastles, blow bubbles, dance like nobody’s watching (because they probably aren’t). Playfulness isn’t just for kids; it’s soul medicine for grown-ups too.

Embrace Curiosity: Curiosity is the compass of the inner child. Ask questions, explore, and marvel at the world. Why does the sky turn pink at sunset? How do ladybugs fold their tiny wings? Curiosity keeps us alive and connected.

Find Joy in Simple Pleasures: Ice cream cones, swings, skipping stones—these are the currency of the inner child. Slow down and savor life’s little delights. Maybe even chase a rainbow (metaphorically or literally).

Be Kind to Yourself: Your inner child carries memories—both sweet and painful. Treat it gently. Forgive past mistakes, hug your inner child when it feels scared, and remind it that it’s safe now.

Create Art or Write: Remember how you scribbled with crayons or wrote fantastical stories? Tap into that creativity. Draw, paint, write poems, or compose silly songs. Art connects us to our inner magic.

Remember, your inner child isn’t lost—it’s just waiting for an invitation to play. So, go ahead: Jump in puddles, blow dandelion fluff, and let your heart skip a beat. 🎈🌟

Do the Easiest Tasks First - Always do the easiest task or tasks first. Doing this puts the wind at back, so to speak, and makes a big difference psychologically.

Stay Organized - Being organized keeps things stress-free and gives you the piece of mind feeling of being in control.

Will Power/Disire Control Directing- Your will is your desire. Will power is "desire control". Repeat those two sentences. Since your willpower is your "desire control" or control over your desire the key to changing your habits is in telling your pre-programmed mind that you want it to strongly desire one thing over another or to start to strongly desire something more or less.

Directing your subconscious is all there is to it. The best way to do this is by using "imagination power". Close your eyes and envision your mind has no limits when it comes to "desire control" and then tell your mind, for example, you love and want carrots, (visualize carrots while thinking delicious mouth-watering carrots), and you hate cake, (visualize cake while thinking awful, unreal, sickening taste). Calmly and clearly repeat this mental input exercise before going to sleep. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined scenarios, so use this superpower to boost your willpower/desire control! 🌟🧠-

Blame - Are you really to blame for your problems? Well, it's possible but it's also possible that the only reason you're having the problems you are is because you're unable to properly manage the wrongs that others have done to you. Despite what some so assuredly say, "You have no one to blame but yourself", it's likely you do have someone...even many "someones" to blame for not doing as well as you should be. See 'Are You Really The Cause of Your Problems?' at the bottom of this page.

Stay Fit In Place - Don't let not having a gym or rain stop you from exercising when all you need is a chair, a couple of hand dumbbells, and a 6 by 6-foot area. Google 'Chair Exercise'.

Better To Forget - We've all heard the old saying, "Better forgive and forget". That's good advice BUT ONLY IF the person(s) that "wronged" you sincerely and without being prompted to ask for your forgiveness. Otherwise, it's much better to forget them. Additionally forgiving someone who isn't seeking your forgiveness is like continuing to have a conversation with someone who has hung up on to forget about forgiving them and then forget about them. Stop giving people that disrespect you a place in your life.

Express Healing - Express yourself let it out. Write It, Tell It, Yell It.

You vs Them - Just because you're outnumbered in your thoughts or opinions doesn't mean you're wrong. It's important to hear what others have to say but just remember the "majority opinion" has often been proven to be nothing more than unimaginative, short-sighted or both.

Life Lessons Snap Shots - Make note of things that made you stop or start doing things differently, including with people.

Act The Part - Yes, "All the world is a stage!" and while you should always "to thine own self be true" if you want to get the most of life in this modern world you need to source your inner actor. Learn to play the part/be the "situational person" who is best suited for navigating personalities and circumstances. This is tool used to enable you to be the best you can be to achieve the best result possible. For example if your going to buy a car at a dealership you might want to channel someone who makes a lot of deals like Mark Cuban. This is just to get you into the best mindset and by no means should you use it unethically or dishonestly, nor does this mean you should be phony. Think it like wearing the proper mental attire just like wearing a suit to a funeral and sweats to the gym.

Always Have 3 Things To Look Forward To - Always have 3 things to look forward to even if it's things like a sandwich, a TV show, and taking a shower.

Goodness Is Its Own Reward - If you want to feel better do something kind for a plant(s), animal(s), or person(s) but be aware that when you do something for a person who is appreciative the effect on emotional may be negative rather than positive.

Emotional Release - Laugh, Cry, Yell, Punch, Kick, Sing, Dance

Be Your Own Best Friend - As they say "Before you can be a good friend to others you must first be a good friend to yourself". Be someone you respect and love to be with.

Simplify - Learn to break things down to the simplest "form". For example, stop, go, up, down etc. Whatever you come across try to interpret it in its purest sense.

Contentment Is Bliss - Find a hobby, play games but do what you must to have peace of mind.

Never Count On Others For Your Happiness

Family Is Not Always Friend - Just Because They're Family Doesn't Mean They Are Your Friends - If they've really wronged you, likely many times, (and I'm not talking minor disagreements or not showing up at a kids' birthday party). Just because someone is family doesn't mean they should be allowed to keep doing you wrong. It may be awkward but stand your ground and cut ties. Family should mean anything goes or that an exemption from protecting yourself.

Get Plenty of Sleep - Sleep is your brain's best friend and since you are your best friend you make sure it gets plenty of it so that it can optimally serve you.

Keep A Journal - It's satisfying and validating to routinely write down your thoughts regarding your day-to-day experiences. The act of keeping a journal is great for understanding your feelings and reflecting. Reflecting is likely the most important thing you can do to come to terms with what is and to be ready for what may be.

Senses Room - Use Aroma, Music & Light Therapy - If you can find a place where you can enjoy a nice aromatic-filled room along with some pleasant music and lighting. My "Senses Room" has a thick beach sand floor and some artificial palms and it let me feel like I'm on tropical vacation anytime I like.

Assess The Value of How You Spend Your Time - COVID changed several things at least for a while and one the positive things to come from it was many people re-evaluating what really matters and it seems that for many making money took a slide in its priority ranking while taking time to smell the roses increased. Money is necessary in this capitalist construct but we should keep our perspective and remind ourselves that we only live once.

Find Someone or Something To Care For - We need to be needed. Be it a plant, pet, or person we nurture our souls when we nurture.

Be True To Your Sexuality - Wherever you are on the "spectrum" your sexuality is an integral part of who you are. Embracing and being true to it allows you to live a more authentic, fulfilling life. By accepting and expressing your sexuality, you not only honor yourself but also contribute to a more inclusive and understanding world.

Be Not Ashamed or Prideful For Being That Which You Had No Control Over - No one ever had anything to do with how or where they were born. Skin color, sexual orientation, and nationality are things that none of us chose or achieved. So, it's a falsity to feel any shame or pride for something completely beyond our control and is in no way an accomplishment we can lay claim to.

Build Your Critical Thinking Ability - Learn to assess every situation that you encounter clear-eyed no matter how it makes you feel...just be sure to see it close to as it truly appears to be as possible and be prepared to adjust your conclusions as the situation evolves. Beware of people who peddle fear or tend to tell only parts of the story. Don't let yourself fool you. ConvoActive has dedicated a lot of space here on 'Mindset Matters Guide' because developing the skill of critical thinking is critical to us being our best selves and living better lives in a better world.

Developing strong critical thinking skills is essential for making informed decisions, solving problems, and understanding complex issues. Let’s explore some factors that contribute to good critical thinking skills:

  1. Open-Mindedness and Curiosity:

    • Critical thinkers remain open to new ideas and perspectives. They actively seek out information, ask questions, and explore different viewpoints.

    • Being curious about the world and willing to learn fosters critical thinking.

  2. Self-Awareness and Reflection:

    • Good critical thinkers reflect on their own thought processes, biases, and assumptions. They recognize when emotions or personal beliefs might influence their reasoning.

    • Self-awareness allows them to evaluate their own thinking objectively.

  3. Analytical Skills:

    • Critical thinkers break down complex problems into smaller components. They analyze information, identify patterns, and evaluate evidence.

    • Analytical skills help them make well-informed judgments.

  4. Effective Communication:

    • Expressing thoughts clearly and logically is crucial. Critical thinkers can articulate their ideas, listen actively, and engage in constructive discussions.

    • Effective communication allows them to share and evaluate different viewpoints.

  5. Problem-Solving Abilities:

    • Critical thinkers approach problems systematically. They consider multiple solutions, anticipate consequences, and evaluate trade-offs.

    • Problem-solving skills involve creativity and adaptability.

  6. Flexibility and Adaptability:

    • Good critical thinkers are willing to adjust their views based on new information. They don’t cling rigidly to preconceived notions.

    • Adaptability allows them to evolve their thinking as circumstances change.

  7. Awareness of Cognitive Biases:

    • Critical thinkers recognize common cognitive biases (e.g., confirmation bias, availability heuristic). They actively work to minimize these biases.

    • Awareness helps them make more objective decisions.

  8. Lifelong Learning Mindset:

    • Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge drive critical thinking. Lifelong learners continuously seek to expand their understanding.

    • Reading, research, and exposure to diverse ideas contribute to growth.

  9. Intellectual Humility:

    • Good critical thinkers acknowledge that they don’t have all the answers. They are open to learning from others and accepting when they’re wrong.

    • Intellectual humility fosters growth.

  10. Seeing Multiple Perspectives:

    • Critical thinkers have the inherent ability to see challenges from several angles. They consider diverse viewpoints and weigh pros and cons.

    • By deflecting the reaction to defend personal beliefs, critical thinkers remain self-reflective and open to changing their minds based on new information.

Remember that critical thinking is a skill that can be developed over time. Cultivating these factors contributes to better decision-making and a deeper understanding of the world. 🌟🤔

Several factors can hinder a person’s ability to think critically. Let’s explore some common barriers:

  1. Emotional Bias:

    • Relying too heavily on emotions rather than logic can distort critical thinking. When we make decisions based solely on how something makes us feel, we may overlook relevant information or ignore evidence.

  2. Personal Biases:

    • Our past experiences, cultural background, and beliefs can create biases. These biases may prevent us from considering alternative viewpoints objectively.

    • For example, hiring someone based on race, age, or religious preference without evaluating their qualifications is a biased decision.

  3. Stubbornness (Obstinance):

    • Being overly attached to our own opinions can hinder critical thinking. Stubbornness prevents us from considering new information or adjusting our views.

    • Critical thinking requires open-mindedness and a willingness to explore different perspectives.

  4. Unbelief:

    • Doubting or dismissing information without proper evaluation can limit critical thinking. When we refuse to consider evidence, we miss opportunities to learn and grow.

    • Remaining open to new ideas—even if they challenge our existing beliefs—is crucial.

  5. Egocentric Thinking:

    • Viewing everything from a self-centered perspective can hinder critical analysis. Egocentric thinking prevents us from seeing the bigger picture or considering others’ viewpoints.

    • Critical thinking involves stepping outside our own perspective and considering multiple angles.

  6. Groupthink and Social Conditioning:

    • The desire to conform to group norms can suppress critical thinking. When everyone agrees, we may avoid questioning assumptions or exploring alternatives.

    • Critical thinkers actively seek diverse opinions and challenge consensus when necessary.

  7. Cognitive Fatigue and Drone Mentality:

    • Going on “autopilot” or operating without full awareness impairs critical thinking. When we’re mentally fatigued, we may miss important details or fail to analyze situations thoroughly.

  8. Allostatic Overload:

    • Chronic stress or overload can affect cognitive functioning. When our bodies are constantly in a state of stress, it impacts our ability to think critically.

    • Managing stress and maintaining mental well-being are essential for clear thinking.

Remember that critical thinking is a skill that can be developed with practice. Being aware of these barriers allows us to actively overcome them and enhance our ability to think critically. 🌟🤔

Be A Good Friend But Only To A Good Friend - It's fine to hang out with people you enjoy but try to avoid over-expectations. The truth is a true friend is hard to find and if have a true friend(s) you are very fortunate and you should do your best to be a true friend to them!

No one is perfect but friends...especially a good friend should have most of the traits listed in the 'What are the traits of a good friend' list featured below.

Walk A Dog - Even if you don't have a dog and would need to walk someone else's dog. See Benefits of Walking A Dog.

Don't Necessarily Blame Yourself - See 'Are You Really The Cause of Your Problems' below on this page.

What are the traits of a good friend:

Trustworthiness - Keep confidences and secrets. Be dependable.

Loyalty - Stand by your friends in good times and bad.

Be supportive and faithful.

Honesty - Tell the truth, even when it’s difficult. Be transparent and sincere.

Empathy - Care about others and be able to understand their problems as though they were your own.

Be compassionate and considerate.

Kindness - Show kindness through words and actions.

Be thoughtful and caring.

Respect - Respect your friends' boundaries and differences. Value their opinions and feelings.

Patience - Be patient and tolerant with your friends. Allow them time to grow and make mistakes.

Generosity - Be generous with your time, help, and resources. Give without expecting anything in return.

Good Communication - Listen actively and attentively. Express your thoughts and feelings clearly.

Sense of Humor - Share laughter and joy. Be able to laugh at yourself and with your friends.

Supportiveness - Encourage your friends in their endeavors. Offer help and be there in times of need.

Forgiveness - Be willing to forgive mistakes and move forward but only if they are sincerely sorry. Avoid holding grudges.

Reliability - Be consistent and reliable. Follow through on promises and commitments.

Non-Judgmental - Accept your friends for who they are. Avoid being critical or judgmental.

Positivity - Bring positivity and encouragement into your friendships. Be a source of inspiration and motivation.

Flexibility - Be willing to adapt and compromise. Understand that friendships require give and take.

Understanding - Take the time to understand your friends’ perspectives. Be open-minded and accepting.

Affection - Show love and affection in ways that your friends appreciate. Be warm and affectionate.

Dependability - Be someone your friends can count on. Be available when needed.

Selflessness - Put your friends’ needs above your own at times. Show selfless acts of kindness.

a close up of a plastic model of a human brain
a close up of a plastic model of a human brain
man in black t-shirt holding white printer paper
man in black t-shirt holding white printer paper

Setting The Stage For Healthy Mindset Success.

Get the most out of every ConvoActive session with a healthy mindset. The following are useful ideas and techniques that will help you to achieve a healthy mindset.

gray computer monitor

Are You Really The Cause of Your Problems?

May I ask you what is bothering you? What tends to frustrate you, make you sad, unhappy, or afraid?

What interrupts your happiness, and makes you feel insecure, confused, inadequate, or lonely? Think about it. It's very important. Is it soil, sun, water, clouds, wind, rain, plants or animals? If it's none of these things then it must be you. Right? It's you that makes you feel so bad and like so many are quick to say "Stop blaming others for your..." fill in the blank.

So, it must be you. What else could it be? Out of the great big world, what else could it be? Well, it might be you but I have a hunch that if it is it's only because you haven't identified the source cause of nearly all that is negative in your life and how to deal with it.

It just may be that the source of nearly all that is negative in your life is other people. If you're inclined to brush this answer off, please keep reading.

Though it may be unpopular to say...a lot of people leave a lot to be desired and when you combine that with the complex dynamics for which most people interact with each other along with the fact that we live in a "people over-saturated" world...well, "it's a thing".

If only a tiny percentage of people are the root cause of almost all that is wrong in your life, then you are remarkably fortunate.

Some people are terrific. They're considerate, kind, and helpful. If all people were like them, it's likely, you'd seldom be unhappy.

So, the first thing is to be aware that people can have a major impact on how you feel and the second thing is to eliminate the negative and gather the positive from people as much as possible. You must learn to navigate people just as a kayaker navigates the river by avoiding rocks.

Yes, you need to be able to identify "rock people" and either avoid or lessen their impact on you. Like a white-water kayaker, you just need to sharpen your navigational skills and create a fantastic life vest for yourself.

ConvoActive is here to help navigate "social white waters" and create a beefy life vest.

Up to now, you may be, (metaphorically speaking), like a kayaker going down the river blindfolded but now you can begin to remove the blindfold and as you do, you'll soon see things as they are and with advance notice.

With a proper skill set/life vest when those rocks just can't be avoided, you'll fare a lot better.

And hey it's possible that you may be a "rock people" that others are better off avoiding and so then ConvoActive can help you with that as well.

Understand Why You Feel Bad When Someone Does You Wrong - Some people are just jerks but why is it that when they do you wrong why is that you feel bad? Why is it when they were out of line and trespassed on you why do you feel bad when they are the ones in the wrong...they should feel bad not you.

The reason is because you didn't "put them in their place", you didn't correct them. It's like you've been robbed & violated, and you are due the right to correct them for being out of line. They got away with disrespecting you, and that hurts... it makes you feel bad even though you did nothing wrong.

So, in the future, try to make it harder for a person to trespass on you but when they do...stand your ground and correct them. If that's just not possible, just remember to consider the source and tell yourself "I did great! They failed" and repeat that to your mind 10 times.