Relationship Advice

Guiding Couples To Healthier & Happier Relationships.

It Is What Together We Make It. Make It Great!

These talk sessions help couples to not only stay couples but to stay better together!

Friendly session host Kevin offers valuable relationship advice on building strong couples' relationships. Learn how to navigate the complexities of love with kindness, patience, and humor. Book a session today for a rewarding experience!

Couples should train into one another, support & lift each other up, and become better versions of themselves as a result of striving to better for each other.

It's very rare that two people meet each other and neither of them needs to change or modify anything about themselves. If you think about it one of the most wonderful & beneficial aspects of being one half of a couple is having to smooth out the rough edges and becoming a better version of yourself.

The session host and he's friendly, kind, patient, humorous, non-judgemental, relaxing, and fun. You'll learn more about him below. Also, see 'Book A Session' below on this page.

A "Couple's Relationship" Means Blending Together And Smoothing The Rough Edges.

People in a relationship must remain true to themselves while also being willing to sacrifice for the other and accept continual trade-offs as part of their relationship. It's not always easy and it's a never-ending work in progress but for those that put in the effort it can be abundantly rewarding!

At the start of most relationships there is a period of time when the relationship is untested and the demands of the relationship are both few and easy to manage but often when the relationship develops one or both people in the relationship begin to place greater demands on each other and that's when the relationship gets tested. This is what Kevin considers to be the "blending stage" of the relationship.

Kevin says it's naturally necessary for two unique personalities to want to accommodate each other if they intend to have a relatively harmonious relationship. This "blending stage" requires a high degree of maturity and selflessness along with a strong desire & commitment to be with the other person.

Each must want the other to be happy as much as they want their own happiness. A couple's happiness is intertwined. This can be challenging but it is necessary and when achieved everything gets easier. Please note: this isn't to suggest that they just surrender their will and good sense or become enablers to the other's unhealthy behavior. Everything must fundamentally be "aimed" toward improvement and goodness.

In many respects being in a new relationship is like getting a new car in that it's fun to drive and compared to walking there's a powerful feeling to it but just as cars continually need fuel and maintenance it can be stressful and require a lot of effort & self-sacrifice.

Kevin says the fact of the matter is even if a person may want a car, not everyone is up to being a car owner, at least not at certain times of their life. And frankly some people should just stay on the transit system. "The loving is easy, it's the living that's hard".

It's a big mistake to think that just because it feels right that is. It's best to determine if both people in the relationship have the mindset the makes the "relationship ready and worthy" and if not... it's just best to see them as bus riders rather than car owners. No need to throw good love at the bad.

How The Sessions Work

Before giving advice Kevin first does an individual "couples relationship assessment" to get an understanding of their "commitment mindset". Using the car analogy, this would be like Q. "Do you like the car you have?" A. "Yes, I love it. It's pretty and a lot of fun to drive. And I feel better when I go places with it." Q. Are you up to doing whatever it takes to keep it fueled and maintained no matter how expensive or inconvenient? Are willing to put up with and even embrace those rattles that just develop over time that you can't get rid of? Are you willing to put the time to keep it looking and running its best and never drive another car?" If the answer isn't resounding yes...then it's time to "get on the bus Gus, make a new plan Stan, and get yourself free". Yeah, there must be 50 ways to leave your lover and you should if you want a lasting relationship either of you isn't all in.

It is so much better to find this information out at the early stage of the relationship rather than after the wedding and absolutely before any child gets into the relationship because what starts out as a romantic dream can end in a lifelong nightmare.

Once past the mindset assessment, if there is any point in continuing, Kevin begins to offer advice based on the "issues/problems" presented. Kevin likes to keep the emotional level low after all, this is about helping two people who love each other and want their life together to be the best it can be.

Each session is a calm, perspective-gaining strategy meeting. Throughout each session, Kevin gathers information and offers advice & perspective along with tips & suggestions for moving forward.

Every couple's problems and solutions tend to be similar in nature but often vary in degree of intensity, which is to say it's common to have issues over priorities but what is a minor point of disagreement for one couple can be a major point of disagreement for another.

Kevin works to quickly asses, sort, and offer a plan to improve or resolve. This isn't to say that any part of the session is done in hast. These sessions are a great time for couples to experience how much they share in common with each other, and how far they've already come together. The fact that they are even in the session together proves their commitment to each other and desire to build upon their relationship and make it one that can weather all storms over time.

A Bit About Your Session Host

Kevin says of his own relationship, of 40 years, early on it would have been so much easier to walk away than to put in all the effort to hold it together but he and his "better half" really loved each other. And unlike many of their friends whose relationships just crumbled like a dried-out wedding cake, they saw the value in putting in the work to make their relationship not only last but to serve them.

Those days of trial and error and seemingly endless compromises are long behind Kevin and while he doesn't hold a license or certificate in couples relationship counseling his reasoning and analytical & problem solver skills combined with his happy, healthy, lasting marriage surely suggest that he possesses a high-degree of couple's relationships expertise. And if after one session you disagree then just take what you've learned and move on.

Kevin says for couples to have a chance they must love each other enough to put in the effort to work things out. If one of them isn't committed, it's over. But if both are committed then it's just a matter of understanding and "exercising" the fundamentals of building a good strong relationship foundation and then building upon it over time.

According to Kevin the day-to-day ongoing fundamentals for both people in the relationship are:

  • Trust, Trust, Trust. Trust is the glue that holds a relationship together.

  • Good Communication-Sharing your feelings and caring about theirs.

  • Care about your mate as much as yourself.

  • Always be willing to be MORE than fair when it comes to everything.

  • Good healthy respect for each other and each doing their part to earn that respect.

  • Good open communication is not an option it's essential.

  • Good humor is a must. Don't take to mundane day-to-day things too'll find that if you can just roll with the smaller things you'll handle the bigger things much better.

    These are just some of the many things that help couples not only stay couples but stay better together!

Why ConvoActivee Sessions Make a Difference:

  • Lived Real-World Expertise: Kevin offers insightful and practical relationship advice based on conventional wisdom and decades of actual lived experiences. Kevin has been in a healthy, thriving "couples" relationship for 40 years, and in addition to an extensive, practical knowledge base he has exceptional analytical skills.

  • Personalized Support: Sessions are customized to focus on your specific relationship challenges and aspirations.

  • Comfortable Atmosphere: Discuss your issues/feelings openly in a safe, confidential setting via Zoom from your home.

  • Actionable Strategies: Learn effective methods to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen your emotional connection.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Effective conflict resolution techniques

  • Renewed intimacy and romance

  • Better communication and understanding

  • A deeper, more resilient bond

  • Enhanced communication and understanding between partners

  • Practical tools to resolve conflicts and strengthen your bond

  • Renewed intimacy and connection

  • A supportive framework to navigate relationship challenges

Enhance Your Love with ConvoActive Couples Relationship Talk Sessions

Are you and your partner seeking to improve your relationship and build a stronger connection? ConvoActive 'Couples Relationship Talk Sessions' provide the caring, understanding, non-judgemental guidance and supportive environment you need to enhance your love and partnership.

Book Your Relationship Advice Sessions.

Session Fee: $15 for 15 minutes. $25 for 30 minutes. $35 for 45 minutes.

Note: We use Paypal as a payment gateway but you can use any commonly accepted credit or debit card to pay.

Note: Your session host, Kevin, offers advice based on conventional wisdom ie. commonly held, widely accepted ideas and beliefs that are generally held by the majority of people as well as his own life experiences.

Note: All conversations are confidential and recording the session is not allowed except by an "all-party" mutual agreement.

Note: As with most ConvoActive sessions it is recommended that participants review the ConvoActive 'Mindset Matters' guide here on this website. Understanding and practicing the "fundamentals" listed can mentally "orient" your mind to get the most out of ConvoActive sessions and life in general.

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