Sheriff Roy's Page

👋🎭 Book Your Zoom Puppet Talk Session Today!

ConvoActive Zoom Puppet Talk Service is where stories come to life & creativity knows no bounds and your child can enjoy the magic of puppetry right from the comfort of home!

Sheriff Roy teaches kids the importance of following rules and being honest. His engaging talks inspire children to choose the right path and understand why staying safe and out of trouble is so important.

Why Choose Us?

  • Flexible: Easy scheduling for busy families.

  • Personalized Sessions: Tailored content to suit different age groups and interests.

  • Convenient and Flexible: Enjoy our service from the safety and comfort of your own home or anywhere!

  • Live Puppet Performances: Real, interactive fun with puppets that captivate, inspire, and combine learning with entertainment to keep kids engaged.

  • Professional Performer: Kevin is a skilled performer, (puppeteer & voice acter), with years of experience in entertaining and educating children.

Session Fee: $20 for 15 minutes and $35 for 30 minutes. Note: All sessions are video recorded, and you will be sent a recording of the session, (included in the session fee).

How to Book:

  • Sheriff Roy - staying out of trouble, staying safe - Sheriff Roy helps kids to understand why it's important to follow rules, be honest, and do the right thing. His talks inspire kids to always want to do the right thing rather than to fear doing wrong things. Common topics of discussion that you as the child's guardian can pick from to have Sheriff Roy talk about include:

    1. Bike Safety:

      • Wearing helmets, using hand signals, and obeying traffic rules while riding bikes.

    2. Bullying Prevention:

      • Recognizing bullying behavior and knowing how to respond.

    3. Child In Public Safety:

      • Safe practices in public, stay next to your parents/guardian, don't touch things including dogs, keep your hands away from your face.

    4. Stranger Danger:

      • Understanding safe behaviors around unfamiliar people.

    5. Internet Safety:

      • Using the internet responsibly and avoiding sharing personal information online.

    6. School Bus Safety:

      • Waiting for the bus safely, crossing the road, and following bus rules.

    7. Emergency 9-1-1:

      • Knowing how to call for help during emergencies.

    8. Gun Safety:

      • Never touching guns and informing an adult if they find one.

    9. Halloween Safety:

      • Safe trick-or-treating practices and visibility at night.

    10. Identity Theft Awareness:

      • Understanding personal information and privacy.

    11. Traffic Safety:

      • Crossing streets safely, using crosswalks, and looking both ways.

        ConvoActive Real-Fun Puppet Talk for KIDs!

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Sheriff Roy - staying out of trouble

Sheriff Roy Is an Interactive, 2-way, "Live Talk" Puppet That Helps Parents by Talking with Their Kids.

This ConvoActive service can booked in 15 and 30-minute sessions. Click the desired "Book A Session" button below.

Please note: The 30-minute session allows up to 6 interactive viewers whereas, the 15-minute session is just for one interactive viewer.